Sunday, April 4, 2010

Love is a battlefield... (part 1)

Sadly, most of us will never get the chance to play professional sports. But, this does not mean that we can't be a part of the action.
March Madness! Even if you don't love basketball, or even like sports that much (this used to be me), filling out a March Madness bracket and seeing how well you did is fun. If you LOVE sports (this is me now), it is even better. Choosing a team to beat another team makes you invested in that team and now watching a game between two teams, that you wouldn't ordinarily care about, is a lot more interesting because the result can impact your standings in the long run, depending on how far you have that team going. (Darn you Pittsburgh).
I am competitive and motivated by competition. Competing against my friends and family in the March Madness bracket contest is my favorite part. The McGuire family and friends bracket competition (I have some pull, I may be able to get some of you in next year, if you're wishing you could be a part of it) has been going for three years now. (Yes, I have yet to win). It is done electronically, but sometimes brackets go up on the walls like artwork of your victories and defeats on display. There is a decent amount of razzing going on, but that just adds to the flavor of sports.
March Madness is a great way to get involved in the competition. You may not be the one out there running around, sweating, and working your ass off in the hopes to one day go professional, but you too can walk away a champion. 2011 is my year, you all better watch out.
No promises, No demands

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