Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Girl Skate

So I've kinda joined the roller derby. I haven't really skated before, so I am not very good....Yet. Here are some notes I took while I was waiting.... Nervous-early of course. I've got my roller skates and my helmet (Do I need a helmet for this practice?). There are kids here for a birthday party and me, feeling awkward. Really hoping the other new girls show up soon. Copa Cabana starts playing, starting to freak out. Maybe I'll chicken out and join the birthday party- they've got cake.

It went well. There were a lot of veterans there and one even lent me a spare set of pads. We started by just skating around “free skate” then the second hour was practice where they taught us some basic skills like stopping. I'm still working on stopping (apparently slowing down and running into the wall isn't the proper technique). Some of the veterans would skate by and offer advice. These girls are the nicest bunch of strangers I have ever met. They introduce themselves and are really encouraging. I have never really been a part of a team sport, or a sport for that matter. I didn't make my mouth guard right and it was really uncomfortable. I'll have to work on that. It was a good work out, and I didn't fall!!! I'm looking forward to coming back. I want to keep up on practicing so I can get good fast. I don't like being behind.

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